Well, this is pretty much the same as any other mouse avoider game out there, just a little less detailed and complex. Your hitTests need work and finishing each level should be done by contacting something rather than clicking something. When you die, you need to go back to either the previous level or the beginning of the current level, people will freak out when they start over for the 3rd time. the avoiding red dots seem very tedious and should be made into some sort of animated obstacle, or at least use your own coding to make them more original. some of the backgrounds were nice but seemed to be drawn with a mouse, which is not good, unless you are VERY comfortable with one.
the menu text on the back button seemed to be dynamic which made the button nearly impossible to click and the text often just disappeared. when giving a direction always use comp text (something you typed out) so its legible and readable.
The place where your cursor is is awkward and sometimes I can't tell which part I hit when I failed.
Also, don't make the person go all the way back to the title screen.